
Applications to become a commission

Applications for group Women in fire and rescue services to become a commission.

Gas car explodes: Driver dead, ten firefighters injured

Nach einem Verkehrsunfall in Margarethenhof bei Rohlstorf explodierte das Fahrzeug, während die Feuerwehrleute den Wagen bergen wollten. Der 53-jährige Fahrer kam dabei ums Leben, zehn Feuerwehrmänner wurden verletzt.

It‘s time to change the status - on commission!

Women's working group established in 2012 follows the traditions layed by the first women working in firefighters' organisations. The active role of modern women in fire fighting as well as the existing tradition make us apply for transformation of the working group into CTIF Commission.

Interested in joining the Fire and Rescue on Airports Commission?

Through the Commission, the participants have the best networks for international regulation, development of rescue equipment and other innovations in the field.

CTIF sign Memorandum of Understanding with Metro Chiefs

Tore Eriksson in Baltimore today signing MOU with Metro Chiefs, to promote information sharing between fire services.

source: Baltimore Fire
