Recommendations for vehicles with standard and alternative fuels/ engines
Because of new technologies and energy sources, the industry is increasingly focusing on alternative drives and fuels. These recommendations are focused on flammable gases, liquids, combustion engines with electric motors and many other combinations more.
The document was prepared together by the Hazardous materials commission and the commission on Extrication & new technology.
Protokoll CTIF history 2014
Protokoll der 17.Sitzung
Mittwoch, 1. Oktober 2014, 10.00 bis 16.00 Uhr
Niedersächsische Akademie für Brand- und Katastrophenschutz, Celle, Deutschland
POP-ALERT Expert Group Meeting and Stakeholder Forum Workshop
The POP-ALERT Project Consortium is delighted to announce the conclusion of two succesful events 26. November 2014. The events brought together stakeholders from crisis management community to share ideas and experiences on populations behaviour in the context of a crisis, the ways in which different populations are organised in communities, the best ways to reach and raise awareness within these communities, the priority issues for European citizens, etc.
CSB Recommends Safety Improvements to U.S. Department of Transportation Emergency Response Guidebook Widely Used by Firefighters
New CTIF commission
Dear colleques
Congratulations !!
Now we are a CTIF COMMISSION " Women in Fire and Rescue service ".
Sincerely yours,
Eremina Tatiana
Doctor of Siences, Professor