Report of the 5 th meeting of the Working group " Women in Fire and Rescue service"
The 5 th meeting of the Working group " Women in Fire and Rescue service " took place on 9.04-11.04.2014 in Helsinki .
Members from:
Russia, Finland, Sweden, France, Serbia, Slovenia, Japan, Denmark took part in the meeting .
The agenda of the meeting:
1. Welcome Speech of the organizers (SPEK, Finland)
- Kimmo Kohvakka , managing director .
2. Introduction of new members of the Working Group
3. Presentation of women's participation in the system of protection and rescue in Finland:
- Matti Orrainen " The Finish... Read more
Protokoll der 16.Sitzung
Zu Besuch in Pribyslav
Vom 8. – 11. Oktober 2013 war die Ernst-Frenkel-Friedenstaube zu Gast bei der 16. Sitzung der CTIF-Geschichtekommission und der 21.Tagung der Internationalen Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Feuerwehr- und Brandschutzgechichte. Die zuständigeVizepräsidentin des CTIF Marketa Strinkova und die Kommissionsmitglieder haben sich gerne mit der Friedenstaube porträtieren lassen. Sie unterstreichen damit den völkerverbindenden Gedanken des CTIF und seiner Feuerwehrhistoriker.
... Read more
Minutes of the first meeting of the CTIF working group Volunteer firefighters
The first meeting of the CTIF working group „voluntary fire brigades“ was held in Salzburg, on February 14th 2014. The CTIF working group is seen as a communication platform for the participating countries to articu late necessary framework conditions for voluntary fire services. Though voluntary fire service systems across Europe and beyond have a wide range of characteristics common interests and needs still appear – such as lobbying, the legal and economic framework of voluntary firemen or the sustainable development of youth fire services. The participating states agreed as future... Read more
Professional Female firefighters HkBm and KIR
Here is the presentation that Mona Hjortzberg showed during the CTIF meeting in Stockholm, about professional female firefighters.
Emergency driving, a risk that is always present during turn-outs
This video is a short version of a 90 sekunder documentary from a fatal accident with a fire truck in Sweden July 2012, where two firefighters were killed and three others were injured.
Meeting minutes
Minutes of Fire Prevention commission meeting, held from 18.6.2013 to 19.6.2013 in Fjelldal, Norway.
The reports of the CTIF History Commission are available in the database of the Centre for Research in fire protection technology and can be downloaded free of charge.