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Women in Fire and Rescue Services
Appeal of International Conference
Here is the final document of the joint work of Commission " Women in fire and Rescue service " and " International Conference for Women Volunteer Firefighters", which took place in Tokyo, 28.09-1.10. This document is very important for all the firefighting community .
Appeal of International Conference for Women Volunteer Firefighters
September 29, 2014
1. In responding to various natural disasters and terrorism etc., of course including fires, women in the fire services shall play an even more active part in order to protect families and secure their communities.
2. Women shall make good use of their characteristics by carrying on different kinds of tasks so as to enrich the firefighting activities.
3. In order to further develop women’s role in the fire services, all participating countries shall work together to improve an equal work environment.
New CTIF commission
Dear colleques
Congratulations !!
Now we are a CTIF COMMISSION " Women in Fire and Rescue service ".
Sincerely yours,
Eremina Tatiana
Doctor of Siences, Professor
Applications to become a commission
Applications for group Women in fire and rescue services to become a commission.
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It‘s time to change the status - on commission!
Women's working group established in 2012 follows the traditions layed by the first women working in firefighters' organisations. The active role of modern women in fire fighting as well as the existing tradition make us apply for transformation of the working group into CTIF Commission.
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International Conference for Woman Volunteer Firefighters
The sixth meeting of the Women in Fire and Rescue Services Working Group will be held in Japan in the morning of September 29, 2014. In the afternoon, Japan Firefighters Association will also organize a symposium (International Conference for Woman Volunteer Firefighters).
The meeting and symposium will be held in Tokyo, at Toshi Center Hotel (address 2-4-1
Hirakawa-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0093).
Please find enclosed the program, agenda and application form with instructions concerning
the accommodation.
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Report of the 5 th meeting of the Working group " Women in Fire and Rescue service"
The 5 th meeting of the Working group " Women in Fire and Rescue service " took place on 9.04-11.04.2014 in Helsinki .
Members from:
Russia, Finland, Sweden, France, Serbia, Slovenia, Japan, Denmark took part in the meeting .
The agenda of the meeting:
1. Welcome Speech of the organizers (SPEK, Finland)
- Kimmo Kohvakka , managing director .
2. Introduction of new members of the Working Group
3. Presentation of women's participation in the system of protection and rescue in Finland:
- Matti Orrainen " The Finish National Rescue Association SPEK "
- Mira Leinonen " Fire and Rescue Services in Finland "
- Mira Leinonen " KEJO , A mutual ICT - project for Finish safety authorities on field operations system "
4. Presentations of members of the Working Group.
- Stephanie Chaubet( France ) " Women in Fire and Rescue Services in France "
- Maria Filippova ( Russia )" System of rendering of the emergency psychological aid in an emergency zone ".
- Yuko Hasegawa ( Japan ) " Women in Fire and Rescue Services in Japan";
- Marinka Cempre Turk, Vladimira Bucevec" ( Slovenia )" Notranjska region captured in sleet, February 2014".
- Mona Hjortzberg, Lena Brunzell( Sweden )" Professional Female firefighters HkBm and KIR".
- Peter Søe. ( Denmark ) " Fire and Rescue Services in Denmark"
5.Discussion of the work in progress:
Valtteri Tervala ( Finland ), Short analysis of the answers to the questionnaire for all CTIF members (proposed at the last meeting in Mulhouse). Deadline 2014.
6. Discussion of the possible change of the status of working group to the new status: to become "Women in Fire and Rescue Service"commission and the corresponding new tasks .
7. Adopting of resolution of the V Working Group (Helsinki):
- Accept the final version of the questionary and direct it to the working group members for filling in.
responsible persons: Mona Hjortzberg, Stephanie Chaubet
deadline: May 2014
- Fill in the questionary and present it for summarising.
responsible person: Mona Hjortzberg, Stephanie Chaubet
deadline: July 2014
- Summarize the filled in questionaries from member countries. Make a table of main data with conclusions and suggestions.
responsible person: Mona Hjortzberg, Stephanie Chaubet
deadline: August 2014
- Prepare a report on the work done in 2013-2014, including the results of the questionary analysis, for presentation at CTIF assembly in September 2014.
responsible person: Tatiana Eremina
deadline: August 2014
- Make a presentation of the questionary analysis at the VI working group.
responsible person: Stephanie Chaubet
deadline: 29-30.09.2014
- Present the summarised results at the CTIF site.
responsible person: Mira Leinonen, Mona Hjortzberg
deadline: October 2014
- Apply to President of CTIF Tore Eriksson for change of the status of working group to the new status: to become "Women in Fire and Rescue Service" commission.
responsible person: Tatiana Eremina, Lena Brunzell
deadline: 2014
- Hold the 6 th working group on 29-30 of September in Tokio, Japan.
responsible person: Hiroshi Fukuchi
deadline: September 2014
- Schedule the 7 th working group in 2015 in Sweden in end of April
responsible person: Lena Brunsel, Mona Hjortzberg
deadline: end April 2015
- Schedule the 8 th working group in 2015 in Croatia (request Ruzica Belanovic to contact Vice President of Association of
Fire - Fighters of Croatia)
September 2015
Chairwomen of the international CTIF working group T. Eremina
Eremina Tatiana
Doctor of Siences, Professor
Professional Female firefighters HkBm and KIR
Here is the presentation that Mona Hjortzberg showed during the CTIF meeting in Stockholm, about professional female firefighters.
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