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Honorary members
Honorary members are persons who have made outstanding scientific or technical contributions to fire protection and rescue or have notably served the CTIF.
Rainer ALHO (Finland) - Ret. Chief Fire Officer, Master of Laws
José Manuel Lourenço BAPTISTA (Portugal) - Liga dos Bombeiros Portugueses CTIF Vice-president ret.
Hans Jochen BLÄTTE (Germany)
Dr. János BLESZITY ret. generalmaior (Hungary) - CTIF Vice-president ret.
Dipl.-Ing. Wilhelm BOHLMANN (Germany)- CTIF Int. sports competiton leader ret.
Walter EGGER (Switzerland) - Président d‘honneur du CTIF
Brian L. FULLER (United Kingdom)
DI Manfred GEBHARDT (Germany)
Civilingenieur Gunnar HAURUM (Danmark) - Président d‘honneur du CTIF
Dr. Attila HERA (Hungary)
Andreas HOSP (Austria) - CTIF Auditor ret.
Åke JACOBSSON (Sweden) - CTIF Vice-president ret.
Dr. Oszkar JOKAI (Hungary)
Eugeny E. KIRJUKHANTSEV (Russia)
François MAURER (France) - Président d‘honneur du CTIF, Colonel (e.r.)
Anatoly K. MIKEEV (Russia)
Pitt MERGEN (Luxembourg) - CTIF Auditor ret.
Fédor OBUCHOV (Russia)
Willi PFEFFERLI (Switzerland) - CTIF Treasurer and General Secretary ret.
Brian ROBINSON (United Kingdom)
Russ SANDERS (U.S.A.) - CTIF Vice-president ret.
Ing. Herbert SCHANDA (Austria) - CTIF Int. competition leader ret.
Adolf SCHINNERL (Austria) - CTIF History Commission Chairman ret. and Leader of the international working group of fire services history
Eugeny A. SEREBRENNIKOV (Russia) - CTIF Vice-president ret.
Hinrich STRUVE (Germany)
Manfred VETTER (Germany)
Wilfried WEISSGAERBER (Austria) - CTIF Int. youth competition leader ret.
Dr. iur. Alfred ZEILMAYR (Austria) - CTIF Vice-president and General Secretary ret.
Ralf Ackerman - Vice President ret.